Writing a daily blog for a festival means you have to magnify your senses. You have to eavesdrop, you have to try and see everything, you just have to be alert. All the time. And yet too, there are moments that impress on you when you are least expecting.
I walked into the admin office and some of the drivers were talking about names. I was all ears. Apparently one of the drivers had been incredibly deceived by Helon Habila's name to the extent that when he went out to pick the Nigerian author, he was looking for a beautiful young woman. I couldn't help laughing. Helon Habila must flattterd all the time.
I had never been to a quiz before so it was quite interesting to team up with Rhoda Lewis (Peter Florence's mother) and Mike Barker and Lorna . We called ourselves Four in Hand. I can't remember the explanation they gave me on the meaning of the name. The word "horses" was mentioned. It could be something to do with horses. Our team was not too bad actually. We scored 70 points.

One of the staffers Helen Thirlway was thrilled to be sitting on stage with Tony Benn. "It was early in the morning and bleary-eyed from a heavy night of partying, I arrived on stage with dishevelled hair and muddy wellies to enjoy an amazing but very surreal experience. There aren't words to describe the privilege and pleasure of sharing the stage with my personal hero but I'm not sure my mum will be so impressed that I did this while wearing wellies!" she enthused.
Michael Morpurgo was here. Johnnie Walker was here. Roger Ridell was here. Adrian Tinniswood was here. It's the diversity of interests that makes it the more exciting for me. Naturally I am always keen to learn, know more, discover more, something I share with the Hay audiences. These are remarkable men and women who leave the comfort of their homes, brave the weaher to discover new ways of perceiving their reality. I am awed.